Is "An Inconvenient Truth" a convenient lie?
Let's see what the movie trailer says....
"If you love your children"
"If you love your planet"
"You must see this film"
they use GUILT to manipulate you - who doesn't love their children? who doesn't
love the Earth?
"the most terrifying film you will ever see"
They use fear and anxiety to manipulate you - to SCARE you into acting or
feeling a certain way. why?
"The scientific consensus is that WE are causing global
Oh really? what scientists said that? how are you the cause of the problem?
because you own a car? because you use electricity? because you want to heat
your home in the winter? or just because you eat and breathe? for this you
should be held accountable for the problems of the world ? read on....
"This is not a political much as it is a moral
it most certainly is a political issue AND a moral issue. But YOUR morals
are not the problem. Yes, there are increasing temperatures. Yes, there
are more violent storms. Yes, our environment is in trouble.
"Did the planet betray us... or did we betray the planet?"
It is YOU who is being betrayed. .
"We have to act together to solve this crisis"
Yes we do.... but not in the way that the producers of this movie would like you
Ask yourself these questions:
If you could own a car that got 200 mpg, made no pollution, performed as well as
a normal car, and did not cost a lot, would you one one?
Did you know that in 1930 Charles Nelson Pogue invented modified carburetor that
did just that? Did you know that since then there have been over 5,000 patents
for high-efficiency fuel systems and engines? It is now 76 years later. We
have supercomputers and spacecraft. How many mpg does your car get?
If you could have all the electricity and heat you want for FREE, without making
any pollution or greenhouse gasses, without fossil or nuclear fuels, would you
do it?
Did you know that there are HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of patents for engines and
electrical generating devices that make no pollution, no greenhouse gases, run
on magnets, or gravity, or water, or absorb energy from the air or the Earth?
Why are we still using fossil and nuclear fuels?
Who would want suppress technology that would benefit everyone? Who stands
to profit? Who has the power pull off such a massive cover-up? And
why are they blaming YOU for pollution? And why doesn't Mr. Al Gore talk
about this?
But wait! There's more.....
The movie blames pollution for increasingly violent storms. Yes there are
increasingly violent storms. But is that due to pollution? What
about the magnetic pole shifts? What about the past two Ice ages and the
Great Flood described in the Bible? I suppose wooly mammoths caused that?
Did you know that weather control technology has been around for over 40
years? Back in the 70's it was reported in the news all the time about "seeding
clouds" to increase rainfall. Did you know that there is a 3,600,000-watt radio
transmitter in Alaska called HAARP (High frequency Active Auroral Research
Program) that can pump energy into the atmosphere anywhere on the planet? did
you know that it can be used to alter weather patterns? did you know that this
technology can weaken storms? did you know that it can make them worse? Could
the Hurricane Katrina disaster have been avoided? was it created? who would do
such a thing?
but wait! it gets worse...
Not only do the perpetrators of this cover-up want to suppress this technology,
but they want to blame YOU for polluting the Earth. And what solution do
they offer? Let's see....
They say that WE pollute the air. They say WE should have tougher laws that will
restrict our use of energy and transportation. that means electricity and fuel
will be rationed. It means curfews. Road blocks. it means being
imprisoned for trying to heat your home. All in the name of saving the
They say that WE pollute the land and water. They say WE should have tougher
laws that will restrict our use of it. that means not being able to grow food.
that means water rationing. that means being forced to live where they tell you.
all in the name of saving the environment. THIS IS ALREADY HAPPENING all across
They say national governments are too lenient on environmental issues. They say
that WE must yield to a worldwide government that will control the worlds land
and water, food and energy. All in the name of saving the environment.
And finally, they say that the Earth can not sustain population growth. They
would like you to feel guilty just for being alive. They say that
"something" must be done to reduce the population but they don't say what. all
in the name of saving the environment.
So. let's see....
They want to overthrow our government, take our land, control our food, water,
energy, and transportation, imprison us, and eventually kill us. And they
want us to trust them.
Who are "they"? Big corporations? Big oil? The Federal Reserve? The
New World Order? The United Nations? Maybe. But whoever they are, they
financed this very well-produced and cleverly scripted movie and placed Al Gore
as their front man. Start asking questions.